Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Real Talk

I've been having a lot of good conversations lately.  Thought-provoking stuff.  3 big realizations:
  • A lot of what I worry about is just distraction for something deeper that needs to be addressed
  • Nobody really cares that much  
  • The most important thing is to be in love, with everything, or be striving for it
Making a list of 27 goals to accomplish by 28 didn't happen overnight, but came quickly upon realizing I was soon to be 27 and feeling unaccomplished in so many areas.  As soon as my birthday was over I had written another more personal list of 27 more things for the year.  When I told my sister about these goals she was quick to ask me if these are the most important things.  They are and they aren't.  27 or 54 accomplished goals will not find me a job, move me into my own place, or give me a sense of fulfillment.  Nobody gets to 28 and exclaims, "Yes, I'm done!" Those 80-something year-old grandparents I know are still trying to fit it all in, with ~60 more years of packing travel, do, and study on me.

There's a reason why so many professions (business, education, service) rely on Maslow's Hierarchy, too.  It's what's real.  I can hold myself to goals and automate the things I hold dearly, but you can only ride that horse so far without water (True Grit anyone?)  If you lack security of employment and resources, for example, you're not going to be as concerned with achieving, with solving problems, with being creative.  I could "moreover" this concept to death with examples, but people who know me well know what I'm up against and are already in my corner.  Thank you!
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Wikipedia)
If it's not obvious, I'm adjusting my list of goals, esp. w.r.t. the blog.  As cool as it sounds to be able to blast from zero to 365 posts in the same number of days, I'm over it.  A better goal is 1-3 posts a week that I think people might enjoy, rather than 7 questionably thin pieces that feel like churn.  Nobody really cares that much, except me.  

I am in love with this project, but I am also working on being in love and dedicated to at least 6 other projects, nevermind people, animals, concepts.  Expect semi-regular postings from now on.

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